Thursday, July 01, 2010

Carrying on.

So, I've changed.

At first I was so in denial, I mean, I've been acting the way I am, and its just that I'm less responding to things happening around me, which some think is quite unusual. For me it has been the "me" I know, and on a personal note I think its just that they haven't seen that side of me yet.

Anyways, I may be acting weird lately in the sense that I tend to brush off mostly everything that I know will just entail emotional strikes if I'd be looking deeper into it. Say for example, in the office, there's this noob TSS agent who called me CONCEITED just because I was joking around not giving him my domain name. I brushed it off, never gave any reaction, till my so-called "mommy" Ivy (sitting on the left) called my attention and said... "Conceited ka raw, payag ka 'nun?"

I can't exactly remember if I responded, but bottomline is that, I just did let it pass. I am not  affected at all in the sense that I don't give a damn if he calls me that way, we're not even close so the hell do I care with what he thinks.

But if this happened say, a month ago, I probably gave him this nagging-to-the-max rebut. But things has changed, I dunno, I'm getting more and more indifferent.

What's up with all these? I think I'm just a bit paranoid when it comes to changes. I can adapt, yes, its just that, I don't want them all to come down pouring on me in just a snap.

So, I'm here now, outside the open circle, thinking twice everyday.


I'm way past working on it. Whatever happens, I'm just here. Always open for possibilities. And in case I fall for somebody else, well then, who knows? I might consider YOU as a confidante.


It may have been a lovely couple gone apart, but hey, technically, we're not, right?
Yeah, "...for now."

So there, I'M CARRYING ON.

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